Encrypts message body and attachments...
Preserves encryption across reply and forward...
Messages are always stored encrypted...
No passwords to enter or remember...
Encrypt & Decrypt inside GMail for ease of use...
Chrome Extension for seamless user experience...
Browser-based Encryption☆no software install
Send encrypted email to anyone in the world from inside Gmail...
Integrated inside GMail UI...
Client-side encryption for O365 messages...
View secure messages without installing any software...
Secure your files and pictures...
Integrates with Drive UI...
Encrypt multiple file and save as a zip file...
Encrypt any file type and size...
Seamless integration without installing any software...
Encrypt & Decrypt any file using your web browser...
No passwords to remember or keys to manage...
Integrates with Active Directory users and groups...
Management-free Stateless Key Service...
End-to-End email and attachment encryption...
Seamless integraion with Outlook Add-on...
Works with any email system...
Encrypt any file type and size...
Seamless encryption with in-place updates and templates...
Partial encryption for Microsoft Word and Excel...
Two-factor authentication with Yubikey and Mobile App...
Authenticate users with One-Time Passwords...
Revoke access at any time...
Set expiry and read receipt rules...
Keep control of your data
Stay informed of how your data is accessed...
Learn who, when and where...
Revoke access at any time...
Block a specific email or file, or all content for a specific user...
Protect your content with self destruction...
Reduce risk of information leakage...
One-click Encrypt, Upload & Share
Retain & enforce encryption policy across file downloads...
Transparently apply & manage a single policy for an entire folder tree...
Share encrypted files with anyone in the world...
Retain control over shared content and block access at any time...
Add encrypted comments to files...
Convert any folder to a secure chat room...
Search encrypted PDF, Word and Excel files...
Search encrypted chat rooms...